Attendance-leave management
We support a 52-hour workweek and flexible working Manage annual leave and vacation conveniently in
conjunction with E-approval system
Manage commuting and vacations systematically.
Commuting and working hours management
Check weekly and monthly work records.
Connect with commuting devices such as Secom, Caps.
Manage data by linking flexible work and vacation management.
Correction of incorrectly entered records in conjunction with approval.

Annual leave, vacation management
Manage automatically generated annual leave.
Support for various types of work, such as education and outside work.
Link to calendar to share absence status.
Check the number of vacation days and the remaining number through
Vacation and attendance management are used in
conjunction with E-approval

Support for securing data reliability and interworking with key systems such as personnel and salary.

Provide holiday statistics management

Manage vacation occurrence
Calibrate and manage vacation days
Automatic annual leave settings
Vacation Request Status Statistics